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How to Prepare Yourself before a Legal Internship?

Kudos to completing one year at University in a completely online mode!

Whether your internships are online or offline, make sure to be prepared, regardless!

Here are some things you can consider before beginning your internship.

Research about the Organisation/ Person you're interning under.

Do they align with your values, do they align with your work? Are they open-minded? What cases have they dealt with? What is their forte?

Ideally, these are the things you do before getting an internship, but there are chances that you may have missed out on a lot of these, so it's better to have a look at them later on as well.

Write down your goals.

What do you expect at the end of the internship? Is there something new that you would like to learn about? Write it down. Expect the unexpected but be sure to keep expectations about certain areas.

SMART goals help you visualise what you want and help you set realistic goals and deadlines with respect to internships.

Interact with other people.

If there are people and other interns that you'd be interning with at the office, then be sure to interact with them as they can provide you valuable advice with respect to the firm culture.

Ask them about what they expect, what the superior does and many other questions that you may or may not have an answer to!

In the end, always ask for Feedback.

Feedback is essential. Even if you got through someone's recommendation, it is always better to ask for feedback on the work that you've done. It shows that you're open to suggestions and are willing to make things work. It also highlights the kind of work you've done and leaves scope for improvements.

Hope this was helpful! Let me know in the comments below as to what posts would you like to see in future!


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