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How to Get Back to Studying After a Break?

Hey! It's so good to see you guys again on the blog page after a huge gap. I know, it's been a long while. Truth be told, if you're keeping up with my Instagram stories, you would have seen that so many things had happened since the last blog post.

Truth be told, I wanted to write this blog post as much for myself, as I did for anyone else. I wanted to get back to blogging and this is what I believe is the best part.

Now, as lawyers, our job is to study regularly, regardless. However, if you want to get back to studying, where you give exams when you've had a long break it becomes difficult. So I'm here to help you out!

Here are some simple steps that you can incorporate into your routine:

make it interesting

Making things interesting is essential. If you're bored of looking at your desk, lighten it up. Get some decor or motivational posters or anything that puts you in the mood to study. Try recreating your favourite study zones!


We all have different study patterns. Some are early birds while others are night owls. Some study during the noon, while others study late in the evening. See which pattern fits into your lifestyle and study accordingly.


We all love little rewards for ourselves. Motivate yourself to complete a task and set a reward for yourself. Positive reinforcement instead of negative ones will help you study more. For example, you could state that if you complete a particular topic, you'd reward yourself with a cheesecake of your favourite flavour. Small rewards go a huge way!


I know that those timers can be turned off at any point in time, but, it is important to set them regardless. A timer would remind you that you need to get back to studying and that you've exhausted your quota for social media for the day.


An accountability partner is someone to who you are accountable. Having an accountability partner really helps when you're unmotivated to work on something. This person is someone who will push you to strive better and work harder. Definitely, it isn't their responsibility to push you, however, having someone who supports you when you are down works really well. It is also your responsibility to inform this person about your updates in order for this person to hold you accountable.


Sometimes, you realise that a group of people are preparing for the same exam as you are, so it is best to find a group that you resonate with and work with. Having a study group helps you divide your time more to studying, as each person in the group is focused on accomplishing the same goal. It can also be an opportunity for you to connect, share ideas and network.


Progress is progress regardless. Whether you've completed one page or one chapter, it is still progress. Keep tracking it. One week of tracking would keep you motivated as you would be able to see how far you've come. One month of tracking would make you realise that you're heading in the right direction and so on and so forth.


Let me know in the comments below as to what posts would you like to see in future!


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