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How to Find the Right Area of Law?

Law school is daunting and the only way you can make the best of law school is to believe that you have, in fact, achieved something in law school by determining the path you would like to go into, after your law degree.

Sounds easy, isn't it?

How often have we come across the question, "what are your plans after law school?"

Some of us have a clear well-defined path as to what we are going to do after law school. Some of us are going to switch our careers because law school is just not for us, and with that, comes some of us, who would love to pursue something in the field of law but are unsure as to what we are going to pursue in the field of law.

And for the latter ones, I do have a few tips for you to help you find your way.

Find your passion.

What are you passionate about? Introspect yourself. Give yourself time and a date to sit down and write down about every single goal you want to achieve. Write down the thoughts you have while following one career path. Think about the things that excite you. It could be graphic designing, it could be fashion, it could be beauty, it could be cars, food, anything!

Once you realise that you do have something that you're passionate about or are interested in something, lookup for an area of law similar to your interest!

Did you know that there is a law called food law? Never in a million years, would I have thought that there would be a food law where there are lawyers who represent certain restaurateurs.

Once you know what excites you, do not be afraid to delve into it. And you what the best part of practising in your favourite path is? You do not have to feel like you have to follow a traditional route. Who would've thought of a food law 10 years ago? Create your own path of law, like the one who created food law. *chuckles*

Once you have found your passion, you now should be aware of the next point.

Who are you going to serve?

Is it a big corporation that has gathered your interest? Or is it that immigrant fighting for their rights? Is it that refugee that you met the other day or is it a non-profit organisation whose cause interests you? Whoever your interest lies towards, will lead you to another path- choosing the ones you need to serve.

Sure, money is essential, but you know what's more essential? Being happy. Why not work for someone who makes you happy than someone who makes you feel miserable.

Serve the ones that would make you feel that you belong there. It could be literally anyone or anything. Just make sure that you know what it is.

Who you represent can be just as important a factor as what area of law you practice. Is there someone or something that you would be proud to represent?\

Never too late to wake up and realise- I WANT A CHANGE.

A couple of years ago, when I first joined law school, I was heavily inspired by the idea that I am going to be a corporate lawyer. In my (almost) final year of law school, I realise that corporate law is just not for me. I realised that there are things that matter more than just money and my mental health being the priority. Sure, I could work and in fact, work diligently, but it would never make me happy and satisfied to realise that this is not something I want to pursue in the future.

I never realised that there was always a difference in choosing the path you want to follow and choosing the path you think you want to follow until I decided to introspect myself and ask myself- am I really happy with the work I'm putting in?

So fellas, ask yourself this.

Hope this was helpful! Let me know in the comments below as to what posts would you like to see in future!


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Prateek sharma
Prateek sharma
Mar 21, 2021

It’s very helpful!!!!😊 Thank you so much!!!!!!!!

Shivani Nair
Shivani Nair
Mar 21, 2021
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Glad you found it useful! :)

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