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4 Law School Resolutions for the New Semester!

While we are done with our end semester breaks and casually approaching towards the new semester in our law school, here are some resolutions that we can take together as law students for a better experience at law school.

Strengthen your relationships with your peers.

Now maybe the time to actually sit down and have a virtual coffee with your peers. Understand each others' life experiences, talk about career plans, offer emotional support if they feel lost or overwhelmed. Be there to talk to them and gather the strength to grow your bond. This may sometimes seem like a tedious task given the state of the pandemic we are currently in, but take out a bit of time for the same. Keep reminders, plan events or just have a casual conversation with them.

Learn how to Manage your Time wisely.

This past semester was a mess for me as I was just learning to adjust to the online classes. Now that I actually know what goes on and how it takes place while working on my blogs, organisation, etc., I can assure you that I have definitely reflected back on my time to work on something suitable for myself.

Maybe you can take this time out and plan your breaks, work towards the higher goal of remaining productive while doing less work.

Improving how to write legal documents.

Whether you like writing or not, this is a skill that needs to be acquired when you become a lawyer. So read more and write more. Learn to use jargons that are smooth and easily readable, but also provide value. Perhaps you can have a look at these vacation days to gain an edge over, writing.

Pick up a new skill/ hobby.

Not to blow my own trumpet but writing blogs and indulging in volunteering has truly helped me be myself. I am thinking of continuing with these even when my University (if they decide to) open in person. This is a skill that I acquired and truly love doing. When I do not want to indulge in law school-related activities, I make sure to write down my blogs and schedule them for later.

This helps you feel less overwhelmed and less stressed and helps you focus on your other tasks as well.

Hope this post was helpful. It was a really short and simple blog post. But I believe to convey points, we do not really need longer posts!


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